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num -- unit feature to group features that relate in some way to numbers

Value Constructors

, real num.complex.C, imag num.complex.C)
[Contains abstract features]
complex -- complex numbers based on arbitrary numeric type

complex provides complex numbers based on a numeric type (e.g. f64, i32).
A complex number consists of a real and an imaginary part.
, numerator num.fraction.B, denominator num.fraction.B)
[Contains abstract features]

fraction provides fraction numbers based on an integer type to represent the
numerator and the denominator.

basic numeric operations +, -, * and comparison are supported. numerator and
denominator are reduced after each operation.

there are currently no checks or preconditions for overflows in the numerator
or the denominator.
matrix -- matrix based on arbitrary numeric type

matrix provides matrix operations based on an arbitray numeric type
negative sign of a number

note that this value is of unit type minus, not of type sign
positive sign of a number

note that this value is of unit type plus, not of type sign

An implementation of Ryū, a fast float to string conversion algorithm invented by Ulf Adams.
For more information see the original repository: https://github.com/ulfjack/ryu
and the paper: https://dl.acm.org/citation.cfm?doid=3296979.3192369

NYI lacks documentation


[Inherited from  Any]
create a String from this instance. Unless redefined, `a.as_string` will
create `"instance[T]"` where `T` is the dynamic type of `a`
[Inherited from  Any]
Get the dynamic type of this instance. For value instances `x`, this is
equal to `type_of x`, but for `x` with a `ref` type `x.dynamic_type` gives
the actual runtime type, while `type_of x` results in the static
compile-time type.

There is no dynamic type of a type instance since this would result in an
endless hierarchy of types. So for Type values, dynamic_type is redefined
to just return Type.type.
[Inherited from  Any]
convenience prefix operator to create a string from a value.

This permits usage of `$` as a prefix operator in a similar way both
inside and outside of constant strings: $x and "$x" will produce the
same string.

Value Types

[Contains abstract features]
complex -- complex numbers based on arbitrary numeric type

complex provides complex numbers based on a numeric type (e.g. f64, i32).
A complex number consists of a real and an imaginary part.
[Contains abstract features]

fraction provides fraction numbers based on an integer type to represent the
numerator and the denominator.

basic numeric operations +, -, * and comparison are supported. numerator and
denominator are reduced after each operation.

there are currently no checks or preconditions for overflows in the numerator
or the denominator.
matrix -- matrix based on arbitrary numeric type

matrix provides matrix operations based on an arbitray numeric type
negative sign of a number

note that this value is of unit type minus, not of type sign
positive sign of a number

note that this value is of unit type plus, not of type sign

An implementation of Ryū, a fast float to string conversion algorithm invented by Ulf Adams.
For more information see the original repository: https://github.com/ulfjack/ryu
and the paper: https://dl.acm.org/citation.cfm?doid=3296979.3192369

NYI lacks documentation
the sign of a number

this can be plus or minus
[Contains abstract features]
wrap_around -- abstract ancestor of wrap-around integer numbers

wrap_around is the abstract ancestor of integer numbers that have min and
max values and operations with wrap-around semantics.

Type Features

[Inherited from  Type]
string representation of this type to be used for debugging.

result has the form "Type of '<name>'", but this might change in the future


[Inherited from  Type]
There is no dynamic type of a type instance since this would result in an
endless hierarchy of types, so dynamic_type is redefined to just return
Type.type here.


[Inherited from  Type]
Is this type assignable to a type parameter with constraint `T`?

The result of this is a compile-time constant that can be used to specialize
code for a particular type.

is_of_integer_type(n T : numeric) => T : integer
say (is_of_integer_type 1234) # true
say (is_of_integer_type 3.14) # false

it is most useful in conjunction preconditions or `if` statements as in

pair(a,b T) is



val(n T) is

[Inherited from  Type]
name of this type, including type parameters, e.g. 'option (list i32)'.
[Inherited from  Any]
Get a type as a value.

This is a feature with the effect equivalent to Fuzion's `expr.type` call tail.
It is recommended to use `expr.type` and not `expr.type_value`.

`type_value` is here to show how this can be implemented and to illustrate the
difference to `dynamic_type`.
last changed: 2024-09-18