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container -- unit feature to group features that provide some kind of
data structure to store and retrieve values

Reference Constructors

Sequence container.Linked_List.T
[Contains abstract features]
abstract type for 'Linked_List'
, V 
[Contains abstract features]
Map -- an abstract map from keys K to values V
, E 
Buffer container.Mutable_Array.T, container.Mutable_Array.E
[Contains abstract features]
an interface defining a mutable array
, V 
[Contains abstract features]
Mutable_Map -- an abstract mutable map from keys K to values V
, V 
Map container.Persistent_Map.K, container.Persistent_Map.V
[Contains abstract features]
Persistent_Map -- an abstract persistent map from keys K to values V
Sequence container.Set.E
[Contains abstract features]
Set -- an abstract set of values
[Contains abstract features]
interface definition for stacks

Value Constructors

hash_map -- an immutable hash map from keys HK to values V
ordered_map -- an immutable map from ordered keys OK to values V

Lookup performance is O(log size) since it uses binary search in a
sorted array. When deterministic performance is desired, an ordered map
should be preferred over a hash map.

performance of creation of the map is in O(n log n) where n is
searchable_sequence -- a Sequence whose elements inherit from property.equatable
sorted_array -- sorted one-dimensional immutable array

This takes an unsorted array and a compare function as an arguments and
returns a sorted one.

Non-mutating heap sort is used internally. This gives guaranteed performance in
O(n log n) comparisons and assignments for an array of size n.

This is a little wasteful on allocated memory, which is also O(n log n) since
partially sorted arrays are thrown away. This might be improved to use an
in-place heap sort to bring allocated memory down to O(n).
, T 
Stack container.stack.T
A stack implementation using local mutation


[Inherited from  Any]
create a String from this instance. Unless redefined, `a.as_string` will
create `"instance[T]"` where `T` is the dynamic type of `a`
[Inherited from  Any]
Get the dynamic type of this instance. For value instances `x`, this is
equal to `type_of x`, but for `x` with a `ref` type `x.dynamic_type` gives
the actual runtime type, while `type_of x` results in the static
compile-time type.

There is no dynamic type of a type instance since this would result in an
endless hierarchy of types. So for Type values, dynamic_type is redefined
to just return Type.type.
map_of -- routine to initialize a map from an array of key value tuples

This feature creates an instance of a map.

example: map_of [(key1, value1), (key2, value2)]
map_of -- routine to initialize a map from arrays of ordered elements
and values

This feature creates an instance of a map.
[Inherited from  Any]
convenience prefix operator to create a string from a value.

This permits usage of `$` as a prefix operator in a similar way both
inside and outside of constant strings: $x and "$x" will produce the
same string.
set_of_hashable -- routine to initialize a set from a Sequence of hashable elements

This feature creates an instance of a Set.
set_of_ordered -- routine to initialize a set from a Sequence of ordered elements

This feature creates an instance of a Set.
sorted_array_of -- sorted one-dimensional immutable array of ordered elements

This takes an unsorted array as an argument and returns a sorted one using
the order defined by the type of the elements T.

See sorted_array from less_or_equal for details

Reference Types

, E 
[Contains abstract features]
Buffer -- one-dimensional mutable buffer with effect

Buffer can be used to implement ranges of mutable memory that may be
visible to the outside or even may be modified by the outside. Examples
are memory mapped files, memory shared between processes, bitmaps on a
display, memory mapped I/O, etc.

To model the effects of reading or writing a buffer, an effect is given
as an argument to a buffer. This effect should implement the operations
required to implement the `index []` and `set []` features as needed by
the backend. This could be done via direct memory accesses, as for `mmap`
memory used in a native backend, or via an API such as `java.nio.ByteBuffer`
for a JVM backend.
, E 
[Contains abstract features]
Circular_Buffer -- a circular buffer-like structure

buffer to which elements can be enqueued and retrieved with a FIFO

it is usually backed by a fixed length array.
Sequence container.Linked_List.T
[Contains abstract features]
abstract type for 'Linked_List'
, V 
[Contains abstract features]
Map -- an abstract map from keys K to values V
, E 
Buffer container.Mutable_Array.T, container.Mutable_Array.E
[Contains abstract features]
an interface defining a mutable array
, E 
[Contains abstract features]
Mutable_Array2 -- two-dimensional mutable array with effect
a type for mutable singly linked lists

On call to `Mutable_Linked_List LM T data` creates a minimal list consisting
of only one single element. To create larger rings, you can either call
`append` to add single cells, or `concat` to concatenate two lists.
, V 
[Contains abstract features]
Mutable_Map -- an abstract mutable map from keys K to values V
, V 
Map container.Persistent_Map.K, container.Persistent_Map.V
[Contains abstract features]
Persistent_Map -- an abstract persistent map from keys K to values V
Sequence container.Set.E
[Contains abstract features]
Set -- an abstract set of values
[Contains abstract features]
interface definition for stacks

Value Types

hash_map -- an immutable hash map from keys HK to values V
mutable_tree_map -- a mutable map using an AVL tree
ordered_map -- an immutable map from ordered keys OK to values V

Lookup performance is O(log size) since it uses binary search in a
sorted array. When deterministic performance is desired, an ordered map
should be preferred over a hash map.

performance of creation of the map is in O(n log n) where n is
ps_map -- a partially sorted map

ps_map is a persistent map from an ordered key PK to a value V. This map is
generally well-behaved with respect to cumulative and average performance.

The keys and values are stored in arrays consisting of sorted sub-arrays,
with sub-arrays corresponding to the 1-bits in the binary representation
of the size.

This results in cumulative memory usage in O(size log² size), worst-case
lookup time in O(log² size) and average addition time in O(1) and worst-case
addition time in O(size log² size).

WARNING: Due to the high worst-case time for addition, this structure should
not be used in situations when adding a single element repeatedly to the same
instance of ps_map is performance critical. If the resulting map's size n is a
power of 2, this will trigger the worst-case addition time resulting in
O(m*n log² n) for adding an element m times.

This constructor is for internal use only, to create instance of ps_map, use
ps_map PK V without arguments.
ps_set -- a partially sorted set based on ps_map

ps_set is a persistent set of ordered values. This set is generally
well-behaved with respect to cumulative and average performance.

WARNING: Due to the high worst-case time for addition, this structure should
not be used in situations when adding a single element repeatedly to the same
instance of ps_set is performance critical. If the resulting set's size n is a
power of 2, this will trigger the worst-case addition time resulting in
O(m*n log² n) for adding an element m times.
searchable_sequence -- a Sequence whose elements inherit from property.equatable
sorted_array -- sorted one-dimensional immutable array

This takes an unsorted array and a compare function as an arguments and
returns a sorted one.

Non-mutating heap sort is used internally. This gives guaranteed performance in
O(n log n) comparisons and assignments for an array of size n.

This is a little wasteful on allocated memory, which is also O(n log n) since
partially sorted arrays are thrown away. This might be improved to use an
in-place heap sort to bring allocated memory down to O(n).
, T 
Stack container.stack.T
A stack implementation using local mutation

Type Features

[Inherited from  Type]
string representation of this type to be used for debugging.

result has the form "Type of '<name>'", but this might change in the future


[Inherited from  Type]
There is no dynamic type of a type instance since this would result in an
endless hierarchy of types, so dynamic_type is redefined to just return
Type.type here.


[Inherited from  Type]
Is this type assignable to a type parameter with constraint `T`?

The result of this is a compile-time constant that can be used to specialize
code for a particular type.

is_of_integer_type(n T : numeric) => T : integer
say (is_of_integer_type 1234) # true
say (is_of_integer_type 3.14) # false

it is most useful in conjunction preconditions or `if` statements as in

pair(a,b T) is



val(n T) is

[Inherited from  Type]
name of this type, including type parameters, e.g. 'option (list i32)'.
[Inherited from  Any]
Get a type as a value.

This is a feature with the effect equivalent to Fuzion's `expr.type` call tail.
It is recommended to use `expr.type` and not `expr.type_value`.

`type_value` is here to show how this can be implemented and to illustrate the
difference to `dynamic_type`.
last changed: 2024-09-18