# This file is part of the Fuzion language implementation.
# The Fuzion language implementation is free software: you can redistribute it
# and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published
# by the Free Software Foundation, version 3 of the License.
# The Fuzion language implementation is distributed in the hope that it will be
# useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with The
# Fuzion language implementation. If not, see <>.
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------
# Tokiwa Software GmbH, Germany
# Source code of Fuzion standard library feature mutable_tree_map
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------
# mutable_tree_map -- a mutable map using an AVL tree
private:public mutable_tree_map(public LM type : mutate,
public KEY type : property.orderable,
public VAL type ) : Mutable_Map KEY VAL
# the root entry of this map
# mutable because this might change, for example when the key stored at the root
# is removed.
# if this map is entry, this is nil
root := (option Entry) nil
# returns the size of the map, i.e. the number of elements it contains
public redef size =>
fold i32 0 ((i, _) -> i + 1)
# get a sequence of all key/value pairs in this map
public redef items =>
match root.get
e Entry => e.items
nil => (list (tuple KEY VAL)).empty
# freeze the map, such that it is no longer mutable afterwards
public freeze =>
fold unit ((_, x) ->
# get the value stored in this map at key k, nil if k is not
# contained in this map
public redef get(k KEY) option VAL =>
root.get.bind VAL (e -> e.get k)
# add the mapping k -> v as a new entry to this map
public redef put(k KEY, v VAL) =>
_ := replace k v
# add the mapping k -> v as a new entry to this map
# returns the value that k previously mapped to, or nil if
# k was not yet contained in this map
public replace(k KEY, v VAL) =>
# helper feature to add a mapping to this map. this feature
# additionally takes the node we are currently working at, and
# also returns any new node, or the reference to the existing
# node that was worked on.
# in this step, the helper feature to actually add the mapping
# is called first. then the AVL rebalancing is done
put_recursively(node option Entry) tuple (option Entry) (option VAL) =>
(new_node, old_val) := insert_or_modify_entries node
(rebalance new_node, old_val)
# helper feature to add a mapping to this map. this feature
# additionally takes the node we are currently working at, and
# also returns any new node, or the reference to the existing
# node that was worked on.
# in this step, the actual addition of the mapping to the binary
# tree is done, but this might violate the AVL invariants.
insert_or_modify_entries(node option Entry) tuple (option Entry) (option VAL) =>
match node
nil =>
new_node := Entry k v
(option new_node, option VAL nil)
e Entry =>
if k < e.key
(node0, old_val) := put_recursively e.left.get
e.left <- node0
(option e, old_val)
else if e.key < k
(node0, old_val) := put_recursively e.right.get
e.right <- node0
(option e, old_val)
old_val := e.val
new_node := Entry k v
new_node.left <- e.left.get
new_node.right <- e.right.get
(option new_node, option old_val)
(new_root, old) := put_recursively root.get
root <- new_root
# remove the mapping from k to some value from this map
# returns the value that k previously mapped to, or nil if
# no mapping was actually removed
public redef remove(key KEY) option VAL =>
# helper feature to remove a mapping from this map. this feature
# additionally takes the node we are currently working at, and
# also returns the reference to the node that was worked on.
# in this step, the helper feature to actually remove the
# mapping is called first. then the AVL rebalancing is done
remove_recursively(k KEY, node option Entry) tuple (option Entry) (option VAL) =>
(new_node, old_val) := remove_or_modify_entries k node
(rebalance new_node, old_val)
# search the subtree whose root is the given node for its minimal
# node and return it
# minimal here means the node with the smallest key, by the given
# ordering of the keys
minimum(node option Entry) option Entry =>
node.bind Entry e->
e.left.get ? nil => e
| l Entry => minimum l
# helper feature to remove a mapping from this map. this feature
# additionally takes the node we are currently working at, and
# also returns the reference to the node that was worked on.
# in this step, the actual removal of the mapping from the binary
# tree is done, but this might violate the AVL invariants.
remove_or_modify_entries(k KEY, node option Entry) tuple (option Entry) (option VAL) =>
match node
nil => (option Entry nil, option VAL nil)
e Entry =>
if k < e.key
(n, old_val) := remove_recursively k e.left.get
e.left <- n
(option e, old_val)
else if e.key < k
(n, old_val) := remove_recursively k e.right.get
e.right <- n
(option e, old_val)
old_val := e.val
match e.left.get
nil => (e.right.get, option old_val)
l Entry =>
match e.right.get
nil => (option l, option old_val)
Entry =>
m := minimum e.right.get
new_node := Entry m.get.key m.get.val
new_node.left <- l
(nr, old_val0) := remove_recursively m.get.key e.right.get
new_node.right <- nr
(option new_node, option old_val0)
(new_root, old) := remove_recursively key root.get
root <- new_root
# create an immutable map from this
public redef as_map container.Map KEY VAL =>
(container.ps_map KEY VAL).new keys.as_array values.as_array
# rebalances a tree whose AVL invariants might be violated
# this determines the balance factor of the given node and applies
# the appropriate rotations
rebalance(node option Entry) =>
# returns the height of the subtree whose root is the given
# node, or -1 if an empty subtree is given
height(n option Entry) =>
match n
nil => -1
e Entry => e.height.get
# returns the (AVL) balance factor of the given node, or
# 0 if a nil node is given
balance_factor(n option Entry) =>
match n
nil => 0
e Entry => (height e.right.get) - (height e.left.get)
# recalculates and updates the heights of the subtrees in the
# subtree whose root is the given node
fix_height(n option Entry) =>
_ := n.bind unit e->
lh := height e.left.get
rh := height e.right.get
e.height <- (if lh > rh then lh else rh) + 1
# rotate right at the given node
rotate_right(n option Entry) =>
# because this feature is only called when the tree is out of balance,
# i.e. the left subtree has more nodes than the right one, we can safely
# assume here that node and node.left are not nil.
l := n.get.left.get
n.get.left <- l.get.right.get
l.get.right <- n
fix_height n
fix_height l
# rotate left at the given node
rotate_left(n option Entry) =>
# because this feature is only called when the tree is out of balance,
# i.e. the right subtree has more nodes than the left one, we can safely
# assume here that node and node.right are not nil.
r := n.get.right.get
n.get.right <- r.get.left.get
r.get.left <- n
fix_height n
fix_height r
# rebalance is called when nodes might have been inserted or deleted.
# this means that the heights of the nodes potentially changed, thus
# we need to recalculate them.
fix_height node
bf := balance_factor node
if bf < -1
# we can safely do node.get here because if node was empty,
# its balance factor would be 0.
if balance_factor node.get.left.get <= 0
rotate_right node
node.get.left <- rotate_left node.get.left.get
rotate_right node
else if bf > 1
# we can safely do node.get here because if node was empty,
# its balance factor would be 0.
if balance_factor node.get.right.get >= 0
rotate_left node
node.get.right <- rotate_right node.get.right.get
rotate_left node
# do nothing
# perform an in-order traversal of the tree and process the entries
# encountered using the initial value init and the combinator feature
# f. the latter takes the last result of the computation and the node
# currently visited and combines this information in some way.
fold(B type, init B, f (B, Entry) -> B) =>
fold0(init B, node option Entry) =>
node ? nil => fold0.this.init
| n Entry => fold0 (f (fold0 fold0.this.init n.left.get) n) n.right.get
fold0 init root.get
# returns an empty tree of elements of type A.
public fixed redef type.empty =>
container.mutable_tree_map LM KEY VAL
# returns a tree of elements of type A that contains just the element a.
public type.from_key_value(k KEY, v VAL) =>
new_map := empty
new_map.put k v
# initialize a map from an array of key value tuples
public type.from_array(kvs array (tuple KEY VAL)) =>
from_array kvs false
# initialize a map from an array of key value tuples
# if the freeze argument is true, then the map is frozen
# after being populated with the entries from the array.
public type.from_array(kvs array (tuple KEY VAL), freeze bool) =>
new_map := empty
kvs.for_each x->
new_map.put x.values.0 x.values.1
if freeze