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Numeric Overflows

Most numeric types like i64 have a limited range of possible values they can hold. Some numeric operations such as addition or multiplication can lead to an overflow. Fuzion's basic types provide a choice of means to deal with overflows. These will be presented here.

Runtime Checks via Preconditions

The standard operations perform runtime checks to detect overflows at runtime:

If runtime checks are enabled, an error is produced and the application is stopped.

Alternatively, runtime checks can be disabled:

This results in wrap-around numeric behaviour, which in most cases leads to wrong results.

Explicit handling of Overflows

Alternatively, a set of operations +?, -? and *? produce an optional result in case of an overflow:

A match-statement can be used to distinguish the successful case from the overflow.

A disadvantage of this approach is that one needs to check for an overflow after every operation that might overflow, otherwise we might see overflows in intermediate values:

Saturating Semantics

In some cases, it might be sufficient to record a large (or small) number in case of a numeric overflow (or underflow). An example is counting some entity while it does not matter to distinguish very large amounts. A set of saturating operations +^, -^ and *^ does this: After an overflow (or underflow), the largest (or smallest) representable value is produced:

Note that, unlike the operations +?, -? and *? that return an option, the saturating operations return a normal numeric value that can be used in further arithmetic:

The fact that an intermediate operation resulted in an overflow may no longer be obvious after additional operations.

Wrap-Around Semantics

In some applications, it might be desirable to have wrap-around semantics, i.e., the value represented is always the lowest bits that fit in the respective type. This is possible using a new set of operations , and :

last changed: 2024-10-17