Choice Types
Choice types provide a way to create types that are disjoint unions of other types.
In Fuzion, choice types are provided using the standard library
feature choice
. With some exceptions, they can be used just like
any other feature in Fuzion.
Syntax examples
is a generic feature in fuzion's standard library. The
different alternative types of the choice are provided as generic arguments to
choice. To define a concrete choice type, one can define a feature that inherits
from choice giving the alternative as generic arguments. A choice fruit
types apple
, pear
or banana
can hence be
defined as follows:
Alternatively, the generic type choice
can also be used directly
where a type is expected, e.g. defining the argument type of color
in the previous example:
color(f choice apple pear banana) => ...
Fuzion provides some syntax sugar for a choice
type with actual
generic parameters: A list of types separated by pipes (|
) is
treated like a choice
with these types q as actual generics. So the
argument type in color
could as well be defined as:
color(f apple | pear | banana) => ...
The example from above change to use this syntax becomes:
Using the keyword of
in the declaration of a feature inheriting
from choice provides a convenient syntax to declare features and use them as
alternatives in the choice type:
Generic Choice Types
Choice types might themselves be generic. An example is the
feature option
from the standard library that receives a generic
parameter itself:
option(T type) : choice T nil is
Here is an example use of an optional String
Defining Data Types using Choice Types
Choice types can be used to implement structured data types. The following
example shows the definition of a type Tree
that implements a
binary tree. A binary tree is either empty, which is represented
by nil
, or a single leaf node T
, or
a Branch
that consists of a left and a right sub-tree:
Implementation Details
In the spirit of Fuzion, a choice type is a feature
based on the choice feature in the standard library. choice
defined in the standard library as a generic feature with an open generics list
as follows:
choice(A type...) is
The Fuzion implementation ensures that instances of a choice type provide
memory space to store the different alternative types. Also, the implementation
might have to add a hidden tag field that is used in a match
expression to distinguish the different alternatives.
In some cases, e.g. in the standard library feature bool
that is
a choice between unit types TRUE
instances do not need to store any data except for the hidden tag field.
In other cases, e.g., a choice between disjoint reference types, a tag field
might not be needed since the alternatives contain type information that can be
used in a match clause. This is also true for an option
of a
reference type, which the implementation can represent exactly as
the null
reference used in other languages.