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This talk presents advances in the Fuzion languages focusing on effect handlers used to implement Fuzion's Design-by-Contract mechanism inspired by Betrand Meyer's Eiffel language. The use of effect handlers for runtime checks ...

Fuzion is a new language targeting safety-critical systems by building on few but powerful concepts and enabling static analysis of applications to verify their correctness. The Fuzion Intermediate Representation (FUIR) ...

The Fuzion language is a hybrid functional and object-oriented language that in many respects behaves exactly diametrical to Java. Nevertheless, the JVM has turned out an excellent target platform for Fuzion...

This talk explains how the Fuzion language unifies the handling of type arguments and value arguments in calls and how types can be equipped with callable features...

Since FOSDEM 2022, Fuzion has seen two major improvements: The introduction of Algebraic Effects and a unification of types parameters and argument fields...

This talk will explain algebraic effects and type features in Fuzion and show how they can be used...Many examples will be given that show how typical code patterns in Java can be realized in a purely functional way using effects.

Fuzion is a modern general purpose programming language that unifies concepts found in structured, functional and object-oriented programming languages into the concept of a Fuzion feature...

This talk will focus on Fuzion's aspects related to safety-critical software development. A fundamental idea of Fuzion is to provide a simple language at a high level of abstraction and move implementation decisions from the developer to the compiler...

This talk will explain how Java's concepts such as classes, interfaces, methods, constructors, packages, etc. are mapped to the single concept of a Fuzion feature. The fzjava tool will be explained that provides Fuzion interfaces to Java libraries. Finally, the Fuzion interpreter and a (planned) Java byte-code back-end are presented...

This talk will present the advances in the Fuzion languages since its first public announcement at FOSDEM 2021. This includes a simplified and cleaned-up syntax, improved type inference, its safety features, foreign language interface to Java and an overview of the existing and planned toolchain...

Fuzion addresses requirements for safety-critical applications by adding support for contracts that enable formal specification and detailed control over runtime checks...

The talk will explain Fuzion's motivation and present its main concepts, feature declarations and feature calls. It will not go into details of the syntax, but present Fuzion's approach to immutability, memory management and type inference...

last changed: 2025-01-29