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2024-09-16: Fuzion September Update

Major new features in the Fuzion language include type constraints in preconditions and conditionals, which permits specialized code, and various improvements for effects.

Our thanks go to Lisa Wirkner who worked on on a simple internationalization effect during a short internship in August. This sparked support for reference effects and dynamic binding when calling effect operations which leads to a cleaner integration of effect instances with Fuzion's inheritance mechanism.

  • General
    • Fuzion release V0.089 finished (#3628), work on V0.090 started (#3631).

  • Fuzion language
    • Type constraints can now be made more restrictive in preconditions and conditional code, fix #967 (#3480)

      This provides a simple mechanism to add inner features that require additional type constraints such as Sequence.find that requires the element type to T to be constrained by property.quatable. As a precondition, this is written as

          public find(pattern Sequence T) option i32
              T : property.equatable

      using a new operator infix : that operates on types

              Type.infix : (T type) bool

      Such type constraints can also be done using conditions as follows:

          f(x T) =>
            if T : String
              say x.byte_count

      These type-tests are evaluated at compile-time, there is no code generated for the type tests. Instead, the compiler validates that preconditions that impose addition type constraints can statically be verified to be met for every call of a corresponding feature.

    • Effects in fuzion now clearly distinguish effect types and effect instances: For a given effect type, one may instate any instance that is assignable to the effect type.

      This means that instances installed for effect types that a reference types may be child features that inherit from the effect type, redefinition may be used to implement effect operation and dynamic binding is used when these operations are used.

      Here is an example of an effect Color with an operation get and two instances green and purple:

          Color ref : effect is
            get String => abstract
          green  : Color is
            redef get => "green"
          purple : Color is
            redef get => "purple"

      To instate one of them, we need to call instate on the effect type color, providing an argument of the value type green or purple:

          Color.instate green  ()->{say "color is {Color.env.get}"}
          Color.instate purple ()->{say "color is {Color.env.get}"}

      This avoids the need to have separate effect handler features that implement the operations and are called using dynamic binding from the effect's operation. The drawback is that to instate an effect, we now need the effect value and the effect type since the value's type might be different.

      related pull requests

      • lib: support ref effect types, make all effects simple, remove effect_mode (#3574)

      • bin/ebnf.fz: switch to instate_self syntax of effects (#3584)

      • C: fix code for effect.type.instate0 intrinsic for unit type effect (#3606)

      • fix add_simple_test, replace go by instate_self (#3594)

      • jvm: Fix code generated for intrinsic effect.instate0 on a unit type effect (#3610)

      • update example_1, go ()-> is now instate_self ()-> (#3639)

    • Improved handling of semicolon after lambda expression, in particular, code like

          m := (1..10).map x->2*x; say m

      is valid now while code with a parser ambiguity at semicolons like

          my_feat => say "Hi"; say "ambiguous"
          if true if true then say "OK"; say "ambiguous"

      causes an error now. { } can be used for disambiguation:

          my_feat => { say "Hi" }; say "ambiguous"
          my_feat => { say "Hi"; say "ambiguous" }
          if true if true then { say "OK" }; say "ambiguous"
          if true if true then { say "OK"; say "ambiguous" }

      related pull requests

      • parser: flag error for ambiguous use of semicolons (#3510)

      • parser: add semicolon limit for parsing lambda expressions (#3501)

  • Base library
    • New base library features

      • lib,be/c: add mutexes and conditions (#3428)

      • lib: Add ignore(T type, x T) unit to drop a value (#3679)

      • lib: add thread_pool effect (#3615)

      • lib: add simple, fixed-size thread pool (#3579)

      • lib/net/server: add experimental feature handling connections in threads (#3554)

      • lib: add internationalization effect (#3571)

      • related pull requests

        • lib: Add currency to internationalization and fix small mistakes (#3635)

        • lib: add default effect for internationalization (#3620)

        • lib: add simple tests for internationalization effect (#3627)

        • lib: use new effects syntax for internationalization (#3587)

        • lib: replace int_eff with provide (#3616)

      • io/buffered/reader: switch to circular buffer (#3514)

    • Changes to the following standard library features

      • effect: Made effect.abort a type feature and removed effect.run, fix #3634 (#3640)

      • lib: fix oneway monads (#3590)

      • lib: move /! and %! from wrap_around to integer (#3522)

      • lib: move infix ∈ and infix ∉ from property.equatable to universe (#3622)

      • lib: move features from float_sequence, numeric_sequence to Sequence (#3668)

      • lib/net: create the required mutate effect in the server/client effects (#3540)

      • lib/net: rename Request_Handler to Connection_Handler (#3509)

      • lib: close on a mutate.mutable_element should close only that element (#3573)

      • lib/modules: fix typos in terminal API (#3636)

  • Parser
    • parser: end expression at keyword then (#3503)

    • Relax precondition in InlineArray.checkTypes and improve position output, fix #3552 fix #3553 (#3558)

  • Front end
    • fix accessing field of other instance in field init (#3418)

    • show error on choice constraint (#3629)

    • Const_String which is used for string literals no longer inherits from array u8 which caused conflicts due to equally named features in String and array (#3538)

    • improved error handling

      • ast: improve error message when inheritance is used without ref (#3570)

      • ast: suppress subsequent error on ambiguous choice containing errors (#3561)

      • ast/tests: Improve error message for #3619, add regression test (#3626)

      • suppress consequential errors (#3588)

  • Middle End
    • air: add preconditions that helped me debug #3613 / #3619 (#3623)

    • air: Clazz.toString created equal strings for a feature and its cotype (#3481)

    • air: FeatureAndActuals, add precondition checking type parameters mat… (#3643)

    • air: For a missing implementation of an abstract feature, show call chain (#3525)

    • air: make fields in Clazzes non static (#3479)

    • air: treat all intrinsics as intrinsic constructors (#3624)

    • ast: AbstractType.toString show .this.type not only .this (#3665)

    • ast: change visibility of internal THIS#TYPE to private (#3582)

    • ast: For ambiguous calls, show the position of the feature declarations (#3572)

    • ast: Remove Expr.typeForCallTarget (#3669)

  • DFA
    • dfa: do not mark intrinsics as escaping, which prohibited tail call optimization to (#3434)

  • FUIR
    • fuir: add method isConstructor to FUIR (#3504)

    • fuir: change output of codeAtAsString for Assign (#3653)

    • fuir: tagged values, use same tag numbers as front-end (#3614)

  • JVM back end
    • be/jvm: implement intrinsics, mtx_*, cond_* (#3534)

  • C back end
    • be/c: add fzE_memcpy, fzE_memset (#3496)

    • be/c: add mutex implementation for windows (#3512)

    • be/c: C.call, move call to args into if (#3528)

  • Interpreter back end
    • ai: add method reportErrorInCode (#3515)

    • be/int: implement intrinsics, mtx_*, cond_* (#3535)

  • FZ Tool
    • Improved error source code location display using underlining via ANSI escapes and fixes of some corner cases:

      • util: underline error position at line end when ANSI escapes are enabled (#3530,#3559)

      • util: fix cut-off code in error message (#3511)

      • util: fix caret missing at eol (#3529)

    • util: env var / property to Enable stack trace printing on error reporting (#3663)

    • replaced the System.getenv,System.getProperty functions with FuzionOptions.boolPropertyOrEnv (#3569)

  • Tests
  • Examples
    • examples: use connection handler instead of request handler (#3513)

  • Other
    • ported shell script ebnf.sh to Fuzion ebnf.fz (#3436)


--The Fuzion Team.

last changed: 2024-12-28