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Idiom # 203: Calculate mean and standard deviation
Idiom # 203: Calculate mean and standard deviation
mean(a Sequence f64) => (sum a) / a.count.as_f64 stddev²(a Sequence f64) => m := mean a mean (a.map x->(x - m)**2) stddev(a Sequence f64) => (stddev² a).sqrt
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Running Example
ex203 is arr := [0.0, 8.0, 15.0, 47.0, 11.0] mean(a Sequence f64) => (sum a) / a.count.as_f64 stddev²(a Sequence f64) => m := mean a mean (a.map x->(x - m)**2) stddev(a Sequence f64) => (stddev² a).sqrt say "mean of $arr is {mean arr}" say "stddev² of $arr is {stddev² arr}" say "stddev of $arr is {stddev arr}"
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last changed: 2024-07-01
next: Idiom # 204: Return fraction and exponent of a real number