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Idiom # 191: Check if any value in a list is larger than a limit
Idiom # 191: Check if any value in a list is larger than a limit
for e in a until e > x f
What are effects?
Running Example
ex191 is f => yak "yes, f called" test(a Sequence i32, x i32) => _ := for e in a until e > x f yak "test on 1..10 if any larger 7: "; test 1..10 7; say "" yak "test on 1..10 if any larger 17: "; test 1..10 17; say "" yak "test on 1..99 if any larger 17: "; test 1..99 17; say ""
What are effects?
last changed: 2024-07-01
next: NYI: Idiom # 192: Declare a real variable with at least 20 digits