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Idiom # 179: Get center of a rectangle
Idiom # 179: Get center of a rectangle
point (x, y f64) is redef as_string => "($x, $y)" rectangle(a, b point) is center => point (a.x+b.x)/2 (a.y+b.y)/2 x1 := 0.0 x2 := 1.0 y1 := 0.0 y2 := 2.0 r := rectangle (point x1 y1) (point x2 y2) c := r.center
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Running Example
ex179 is point (x, y f64) is redef as_string => "($x, $y)" rectangle(a, b point) is center => point (a.x+b.x)/2 (a.y+b.y)/2 x1 := 0.0 x2 := 1.0 y1 := 0.0 y2 := 2.0 r := rectangle (point x1 y1) (point x2 y2) c := r.center say c
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last changed: 2024-07-01
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