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Idiom # 159: Trie
Idiom # 159: Trie
trie( V type, c codepoint, children container.ordered_map codepoint (trie V), val option V) is
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Running Example
ex159 is trie ( V type, # the codepoint of this tree node, '#' for root. Not strictly needed. cp codepoint, # children of this node: maps codepoint at this position to sub-trie children container.ordered_map codepoint (trie V), # value of this node if it contains a value val option V ) is # create a new trie by adding or replacing mapping (from => to) add(from String, to V) => c := cp from n := if from.codepoint_length = 1 ch := (children[c] ? nil => (container.ordered_map codepoint (trie V)).empty | el trie => el.children) trie c ch to else el := (children[c] ? nil => trie V c | el0 trie => el0) el.add (from.substring 1) to trie c (children.add c n) val # find the value 's' is mapped to by this trie find(s String) option V => if s.is_empty val else children[cp s] ? nil => nil | t trie => t.find (s.substring 1) # convenience routine to create empty trie for codepoint 'c' trie(V type, cp codepoint) => trie V cp (container.ordered_map codepoint (trie V)).empty nil # convenience routine to create empty trie trie(V type) => trie V (cp "#") # convenience routine to get the first code point from a non-empty string cp (s String) pre debug: !s.is_empty => s.as_codepoints.first.get # create a dictionary from English to German and fill it with vocabulatry from # "one" to "ten": # e0 := trie String e1 := e0.add "one" "eins" e2 := e1.add "two" "zwei" e3 := e2.add "three" "drei" e4 := e3.add "four" "vier" e5 := e4.add "five" "fünf" e6 := e5.add "six" "sechs" e7 := e6.add "seven" "sieben" e8 := e7.add "eight" "acht" e9 := e8.add "nine" "neun" e := e9.add "ten" "zehn" # show the entry for 's' in the dictionary 'e' show (s String) => say "$s \t=> {e.find s}" # test the dictionary with valid and invalid lookups: show "eleven" show "ten" show "nine" show "eight" show "seven" show "six" show "five" show "four" show "three" show "two" show "one" show "zero"
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last changed: 2024-07-01
next: NYI: Idiom # 160: Detect if 32-bit or 64-bit architecture