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Postfix/Prefix Calls


In Fuzion, operators can be prefix -x, infix x*y, or postfix x!. A call to f with one argument a is of the form f a, so it can be interpreted like a prefix operator.

This is nice and good, but for adding physical units this is unfortunate. Image a routine sec that takes an u64 and produces a duration that can be passed to wait:

delay := sec 5
wait delay

It would be more natural to write

delay := 5 sec
wait delay

or even

wait (5 sec)

or even

wait 5 sec

maybe even

wait 5sec


Along the lines of postfix operator declaration

i32.postfix ′ => duration val*1_000

we could allow postfix calls to be declared:

i32.postfix sec => duration val*1_000


Expression Parsing

The grammar needs to be extended to permit a term to be followed by a qualified call that is then converted into a postfix call.

Call resolution

Furthermore, calls that could not be resolved, like wait n sec when wait expects only one argument, should be analyzed for arguments that themselves cannot be resolved, like sec, which does not exist without an argument but exists as a postfix call. These should then be converted to wait (n sec) automatically.

Lexer treatment of Literals

Parsing of a literal may stop as soon as a lexer error would occur. In the code

x := 1E3
y := 1F3

the 1E3 in the first line would be parsed a a single numeric literal 1E3, while the lexer would split 1F3 in the second line into a numeric literal 1 followed by an identifier F3, that can then be parsed as a postfix call, i.e., this is equivalent to

x := 1000
y := postfix F3(1)


Single-line conditionals

Single-line if-statements without then can become ambiguous

if a < 10 sec y

this is currently interpreted as

if (a < 10) then sec(y)

but should be

if (a < (10 sec)) then y

A solution would be to require then in a single-line if-statement. This might be a good idea anyways since we already have the same problem with code like this:

if a < b y

where b y is a call to b with argument y. It is parsed as

if (a < (b y)) then

, while the same code using 10 instead of b

if a < 10 y

is parsed as

if (a < 10) then y


Make then required in single-line if-statements.

Prefix Calls

Problem with Prefix Calls

Calls already use prefix notation as long as the target of the call is disregarded. For mathematical operations such as sin this means that we have a choice of either defining them in some math feature as in

math is
  sin(f f64) f64 => ...

and then call them as

a := π/6
y := math.sin a * r

or alternatively, define them as part of the float types

f64 is
  sin f64 => ...

and then call them as

a := π/6
y := a.sin * r

both solutions are unsatisfactory since they do not match the established mathematical notation.

Solution using Prefix Calls

If we allow prefix calls similar to postfix calls, i.e.,

f64 is
  prefix sin f64 => ...

we could write

a := π/6
y := sin a * r


The implementation could work as follows. For a call f a1 a2 a3 that cannot be resolved in the current feature, the compiler could convert this call into a1.prefix f a2 a3 in case the static type of a1 defines prefix f.

Other Languages

Nim treats calls of the form o.f or p.g(a,b) as syntax sugar for f(o) and g(p,a,b), respectively. This is different to the suggestions for Fuzion which would have a clear distinction between plain calls and prefix calls.

last changed: 2024-06-28