# This file is part of the Fuzion language implementation.
# The Fuzion language implementation is free software: you can redistribute it
# and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published
# by the Free Software Foundation, version 3 of the License.
# The Fuzion language implementation is distributed in the hope that it will be
# useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with The
# Fuzion language implementation. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------
# Tokiwa Software GmbH, Germany
# Source code of Fuzion standard library feature fuzion.sys.net0
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------
# groups networking related features
# internally this builds on:
# - java: nio
# - why not java.net.Socket etc.?: this is only suitable for blocking I/O
# - why not nio2? : nio2 is basically the same as nio but asynchronous.
# I.e. read/write return Futures.
# - c/posix: posix-sockets
# - c/win: winsock2
# sources of inspiration:
# - https://github.com/tezc/sc/
# - https://github.com/jart/cosmopolitan
# - https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/winsock/complete-server-code
# - https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/winsock/complete-client-code
# NYI: use error codes coming from backend
module net is
# bind a name to a newly created socket
# 0 => arr_result[0] is the socket descriptor
# -1 => arr_result[0] is an error number
bind0 (family, socket_type, protocol i32, host fuzion.sys.Pointer, port fuzion.sys.Pointer, arr_result fuzion.sys.Pointer) i32 => intrinsic
# bind a name to a newly created socket, wrapper for bind0 intrinsic
module bind (family, socket_type, protocol i32, host String, port u16) outcome i64 =>
iarr := fuzion.sys.internal_array_init i64 1
r := bind0 family socket_type protocol (fuzion.sys.c_string host) (fuzion.sys.c_string port.as_string) iarr.data = 0
arr := iarr.as_array
if r
error "error: {arr[0]}"
# activates a server socket, setting a backlog
# of a maximum amount of connections which are kept
# waiting for acceptance.
# returns zero on success, anything else is an error.
module listen (sd i64, backlog i32) i32 => intrinsic
# accept a new connection for given socket descriptor.
# may block until there is a connection to accept.
# returns a new / different descriptor which
# corresponds to the accepted connection only.
# true => arr_result[0] is the socket descriptor
# false => arr_result[0] is an error number
accept (sd i64, arr_result fuzion.sys.Pointer) bool => intrinsic_constructor
# accept a new connection for given socket descriptor, wrapper for accept intrinsic.
# returns an error or a new descriptor.
module accept(sd i64) outcome i64 =>
iarr := fuzion.sys.internal_array_init i64 1
if accept sd iarr.data then
error "accept failed, error number: {iarr[0]}"
# open and connect a client socket
# 0 => arr_result[0] is the socket descriptor
# -1 => arr_result[0] is an error number
connect0(family, socket_type, protocol i32, host fuzion.sys.Pointer, port fuzion.sys.Pointer, arr_result fuzion.sys.Pointer) i32 => intrinsic
# open and connect a client socket
module connect(family, socket_type, protocol i32, host String, port u16) outcome i64 =>
iarr := fuzion.sys.internal_array_init i64 1
res := connect0 family socket_type protocol (fuzion.sys.c_string host) (fuzion.sys.c_string port.as_string) iarr.data = 0
arr := iarr.as_array
if res
error "error: {arr[0]}"
# read bytes into arr_data buffer
# true => arr_result[0] is the number of bytes read
# false => arr_result[0] is an error number
read(sd i64, arr_data fuzion.sys.Pointer, length i32, arr_result fuzion.sys.Pointer) bool => intrinsic_constructor
# read a maximum of max_bytes from descriptor, wrapper for read intrinsic
# may block if descriptor is set to blocking.
module read(descriptor i64, max_bytes i32) outcome (array u8) =>
buff := fuzion.sys.internal_array_init u8 max_bytes
iarr := fuzion.sys.internal_array_init i64 1
res := read descriptor buff.data max_bytes iarr.data
arr := iarr.as_array
if res
if arr[0].as_i32 = max_bytes
# NYI there should be a way to use a slice of internal_array to init array
array u8 arr[0].as_i32 (idx -> buff[idx])
error "error: {arr[0]}"
# write buffer bytes on socket
# returns zero on success, anything else is an error.
write(sd i64, arr_data fuzion.sys.Pointer, length i32) i32 => intrinsic
# write data to descriptor, wrapper for write intrinsic
# may block if descriptor is set to blocking.
module write(descriptor i64, data array u8) outcome unit =>
res := write descriptor data.internal_array.data data.length
if res = -1 then error "error: $res" else unit
# close socket
# returns zero on success, anything else is an error.
close0(sd i64) i32 => intrinsic
# close socket descriptor
module close(sd i64) outcome unit =>
res := close0 sd
if res = -1 then error "error: $res" else unit
# 0 = blocking, 1 = none_blocking
# returns zero on success, anything else is an error.
# NYI non blocking needs some kind of polling mechanism like epoll / kqueue
# probably not good enough:
# - select "can monitor only file descriptors numbers
# that are less than FD_SETSIZE (1024)—an unreasonably
# low limit for many modern applications"
# - poll is in O(n)
# difficult to implement on windows, read here: https://notgull.github.io/device-afd/
set_blocking0(sd i64, blocking i32) i32 => intrinsic
# set descriptor to blocking / none blocking mode.
module set_blocking(sd i64, blocking bool) outcome unit =>
res := if blocking then set_blocking0 sd 0 else set_blocking0 sd 1
if res = 0 then unit else error "error: $res"
# get a socket's peer's ip address
# takes a socket descriptor number and an array of 16 bytes in
# which the IP address will be stored
# returns the length of the IP address written to the array,
# in bytes (4 for IPv4, 16 for IPv6)
get_peer_address(sockfd i64, address fuzion.sys.Pointer) i32 => intrinsic
# get a socket's peer's ip address
# takes a socket descriptor number
# returns the IP address, as a list of bytes
# not useful for UDP sockets (information not necessarily available)
module get_peer_address(sockfd i64) outcome (list u8) =>
iarr := fuzion.sys.internal_array_init u8 16
l := get_peer_address sockfd iarr.data
iarr.as_array.take l
# get a socket's peer's port
# takes a socket descriptor number
# returns the port number
# not useful for UDP sockets (information not necessarily available)
module get_peer_port(sockfd i64) u16 => intrinsic