# This file is part of the Fuzion language implementation.
# The Fuzion language implementation is free software: you can redistribute it
# and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published
# by the Free Software Foundation, version 3 of the License.
# The Fuzion language implementation is distributed in the hope that it will be
# useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with The
# Fuzion language implementation. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------
# Tokiwa Software GmbH, Germany
# Source code of Fuzion standard library feature equals
# Author: Fridtjof Siebert (siebert@tokiwa.software)
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------
# equals -- feature that compares two values using the equality relation
# defined in their type
public equals(T type : property.equatable, a, b T) => T.equality a b
# infix ≟ -- infix operation as short-hand for 'equals'
public infix ≟(T type : property.equatable, a, b T) => equals T a b
# infix = -- infix operation as short-hand for 'equals'
public infix =(T type : property.equatable, a, b T) => equals T a b
# infix = -- infix operation as short-hand for 'equals'
public infix !=(T type : property.equatable, a, b T) => !equals T a b
# lteq -- feature that compares two values using the lteq relation
# defined in their type
public lteq(T type : property.partially_orderable, a, b T) => T.lteq a b
# infix ≤ -- infix operation as short-hand for 'lteq'
public infix ≤(T type : property.partially_orderable, a, b T) => lteq T a b
# does this come after other?
public infix ≥(T type : property.orderable, a, b T) bool =>
lteq T b a
# does this come strictly after other?
public infix ⩼(T type : property.orderable, a, b T) bool =>
!(lteq T a b)
# does this come strictly before other?
public infix ⩻(T type : property.orderable, a, b T) bool =>
!(lteq T b a)
# three-way comparison between this and other.
# result is < 0 if this < other
# result is > 0 if this > other
# result is = 0 if this = other
public infix ⋄(T type : property.orderable, a, b T) i32 =>
if a < b then -1
else if a > b then +1
else 0
# infix <= -- infix operation as short-hand for 'lteq'
public infix <=(T type : property.partially_orderable, a, b T) => lteq T a b
# does this come after other?
public infix >=(T type : property.orderable, a, b T) bool =>
lteq T b a
# does this come strictly after other?
public infix >(T type : property.orderable, a, b T) bool =>
!(lteq T a b)
# does this come strictly before other?
public infix <(T type : property.orderable, a, b T) bool =>
!(lteq T b a)
# three-way comparison between this and other.
# result is < 0 if this < other
# result is > 0 if this > other
# result is = 0 if this = other
public infix <>(T type : property.orderable, a, b T) i32 =>
if a < b then -1
else if a > b then +1
else 0
# maximum of two values
public max(T type : property.orderable, a, b T) =>
if a > b then a else b
# minimum of two values
public min(T type : property.orderable, a, b T) =>
if a < b then a else b
last changed: 2024-03-07