# This file is part of the Fuzion language implementation.
# The Fuzion language implementation is free software: you can redistribute it
# and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published
# by the Free Software Foundation, version 3 of the License.
# The Fuzion language implementation is distributed in the hope that it will be
# useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with The
# Fuzion language implementation. If not, see <>.
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------
# Tokiwa Software GmbH, Germany
# Source code of Fuzion standard library feature composition
# Author: Fridtjof Siebert (
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------
# composition -- a collection of features for function composition
# see
# Talk at Strange Loop 2016 by Amar Shah: Point-Free or Die: Tacit Programming in Haskell and Beyond
# Talk at CppNorth 2023 by Conor Hoekstra: Function Composition in Programming Languages - Conor Hoekstra - CppNorth 2023
# Paper by Conor Hoekstra: Combinatory Logic and Combinators in Array Languages
# BQN tutorial:
# Talk for Fullstack Academy by Gabriel Lebec: Lambda Calculus - Fundamentals of Lambda Calculus & Functional
# Pragramming in JavaScript
# David C Keenan
# To Dissect a Mockingbird: A Graphical Notation for the Lambda Calculus with Animated Reduction
# Bird names from Raymond M Smullyan. 2000. To Mock a Mockingbird: and other
# logic puzzles including an amazing adventure in combinatory logic. Oxford
# University Press, USA.
# Combinator birds:
public composition is
# I
# identity
# Bird: Idiot (Smullyan) or Ibis (Gabriel Lebec)
# BQN: ⊣⊢
# Haskell: id
public id(T type) T -> T => x->x
# M
# self application
# Bird: Mockingbird
# BQN: ?
# Haskell: (cannot define)
# This is not representable in Fuzion, we would need arguments with generic arguments
# here. Using pseudo-syntax ((T,U type) <type using T,U>) to denote a type that is
# itself type parameteric...:
# public M(f ((T,U type) T -> U)) ((V,W type) V->W) => f f
# we can emulate this if we require the argument to be given twice:
public M(T, U, V type, f0 (T->U)->(T->V), f1 T->U) T->V => f0 f1
# applying M to id:
public Mid(T type) => M T T T x->x x->x # NYI: should also work: ( T) ( T)
# applying M to M
# public MM(T type) => M T T T x->(MM x) x->(MM x)
# M*
# self application once removed
# Bird: Mockingbird
# BQN: ?
# Haskell: ?
# public Mstar(f (T->T,T)->T) T->T => x-> f f x
# ?
# reverse apply
# Bird: thrush
# BQN: ?
# Haskell: $
# this is already defined in universe:
# public infix |>(T, U type, x T, f T->U) U => f x
# T
# hold an argument
# Bird: thrush
# BQN: ?
# Haskell: flip id
public thrush(T, U, V type, x T, f (T,U)->V) U->V => y->f x y # NYI just `f x` with partial application should do , but does not
# V
# hold a pair of arguments
# Bird: vireo
# BQN: ?
# Haskell: flip . flip id
public vireo(T, U, V, W type, x T, y U, f (T,U,V)->W) V->W => z->f x y z # NYI just `f x y` with partial application should do , but does not
# K
# Elementary Cancellator, first
# Bird: Kestrel
# BQN: ⊣
# Haskell const
public left(T, U type) (T,U) -> T => (x,y) -> x
public constant(T, U type) (T,U) -> T => (x,y) -> x
# S
# hook, monadic after
# Bird: Starling
# BQN: ⟜
# Haskell: <*>
public after1(f (T, U) -> V, g T -> U) T -> V => x -> f x (g x)
# B
# Elementare Compositor, composition
# Bird: Bluebird
# BQN: ∘
# Haskell: .
public compose(f U -> V, g T -> U) T -> V => f ∘ g
# B1
# Elementare Compositor, 1° <- 2° composition
# Bird: Blackbird
# BQN: ∘
# Haskell: .: or ...
public atop(f V -> W, g (T,U) -> V) (T,U) -> W => (x,y) -> f (g x y)
# B
# composition of one unary function f and one binary function g...
# Bird: Bluebird
# BQN: ⊸
public before1(f V -> U, g (U, V) -> W) V -> W => x -> g (f x) x
public before2(f T -> U, g (U, V) -> W) (T,V) -> W => (x,y) -> g (f x) y
# C
# Elementary Permutator, reverse arguments
# Bird: Cardinal
# BQN: ˜
# Haskell: flip
public flip(f (T,U) -> V) (U,T) -> V => (x,y) -> f y x
# W
# Elementary Duplicator
# Bird: Warbler
# BQN: ~
# Haskell: join
public join(f (T,T) -> U) T->U => x -> f x x
# Ψ - psi
# composition of binary and unary function
# Bird: ?
# BQN: ○
# Haskell: on
public over(f (U,U) -> V, g T -> U) (T,T) -> V => (x,y) -> f (g x) (g y)
# Φ (S′)
# composition of two unary functions and one binary function
# Bird: ?
# BQN: 3-train?
# Haskell: liftA2
public fork(f (U1,U2) -> V, g T1 -> U1, h T2 -> U2) (T1,T2) -> V => (x,y) -> f (g x) (h y)
# Φ1
# composition of two unary functions and one binary function
# Bird: Pheasant (Hoekstra)
# BQN: 3-train?
# Haskell: ?
public fork2(f (U1,U2) -> V, g (T1,T2) -> U1, h (T1,T2) -> U2) (T1,T2) -> V => (x,y) -> f (g x y) (h x y)
# D
# composition of one binary function f and one unary function g...
# Bird: Dove
# BQN: ⟜
# Haskell:
public after2(f (V, U) -> W, g T -> U) (V,T) -> W => (x,y) -> f x (g y)
# D2
# composition of one binary function g and tow unary functions f, h
# Bird: Dovekie
# BQN: a⊸b⟜c
# Haskell:
public d2(f T -> V, g (V,W) -> X, h U -> W) (T,U) -> X => (x,y) -> g (f x) (h y)
# KI
# second
# left ∘ flip
# Bird: Kite
# BQN: ⊢
# Haskell: const id
public right(T, U type) (T,U) -> U => (x,y) -> y
# ?
# Constant cancellator?
# Bird: ?
# BQN: ˙
public const1(T, U type, v T) U -> T => x -> v
public const2(T, U, V type, v T) (U,V) -> T => (x,y) -> v
# The Y fixed-point combinator
# \f.(\x.f(xx))(\x.f(xx))
# NYI: possible?
# The Z fixed-point combinator
# \f.(\x.f(\v.xxv))(\x.f(\v.xxv))
# \f.M(\x.f(\v.Mxv))
# NYI: possible?
# fixed-point combinator using Lazy:
# this can be used as follows:
# f (Lazy i32)->i32 := x->3
# say (fix i32 f)
# g (Lazy (list i32))->list i32 := x->3:x
# say ((fix (list i32) g).take 10)
fix(A type, f Lazy ((Lazy A)->A)) => (fix A f)