# This file is part of the Fuzion language implementation.
# The Fuzion language implementation is free software: you can redistribute it
# and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published
# by the Free Software Foundation, version 3 of the License.
# The Fuzion language implementation is distributed in the hope that it will be
# useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with The
# Fuzion language implementation. If not, see <>.
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------
# Tokiwa Software GmbH, Germany
# Source code of Fuzion standard library feature array(l1,l2)
# Author: Fridtjof Siebert (
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------
# array(length0, length1) -- two-dimensional immutable array
# array provides two-dimensional immutable arrays. These are actually
# one-dimensional immutable arrays with an additional access function with
# two index parameters.
public array2(T type,
length0, length1 i32,
init2 (i32, i32) -> T)
safety: length0 ≥ 0
safety: length1 ≥ 0
safety: length0 *? length1 >=? 0
internal_array := fuzion.sys.internal_array_init T length0*length1
for i1 in 0..length0-1 do
for i2 in 0..length1-1 do
internal_array[i1 * length1 + i2] := init2 i1 i2
array2 T length0 length1 internal_array unit unit
# array(length0, length1) -- two-dimensional immutable array
# array provides two-dimensional immutable arrays. These are actually
# one-dimensional immutable arrays with an additional access function with
# two index parameters.
private:public array2(
public T type,
public length0, length1 i32,
redef internal_array fuzion.sys.internal_array T,
_ unit,
_ unit)
: array T internal_array unit unit unit
safety: length0 ≥ 0
safety: length1 ≥ 0
safety: length0 *? length1 >=? 0
# indices range in first dimension
public indices0 => 0..length0-1
# indices range in second dimension
public indices1 => 0..length1-1
# all pairs of indices: (0,0), (0,1), (0,2), .. (length0-1, length1-1)
public index_pairs =>
indices0.flat_map (tuple i32 i32) (i -> j->(i,j))
public index [ ] (i1, i2 i32) T
safety: 0 ≤ i1 < length0
safety: 0 ≤ i2 < length1
array2.this[i1 * length1 + i2]
# create a string representation of this array including all the string
# representations of its contents, separated by ',' and enclosed in '['
# and ']'. Arrays in inner dimensions are grouped using '[' and ']'.
public redef as_string : character_encodings =>
+ ascii.lf_str
+ indices0
.map(i -> " " + (slice i*length1 (i+1)*length1))
.fold(String.concat("," + ascii.lf_str))
+ ascii.lf_str + "]")
# get a list of tuples indices and elements in this array
public enumerate2 list (tuple i32 i32 T) /* NYI: '(i32, i32, T)' does not work yet */ =>
if length = 0
enumerate_cons 0 0
# create a cons cell for a list of tuples of this array's indices and elements
# starting at the given indices.
enumerate_cons (i, j i32) : Cons (i32, i32, T) (list (tuple i32 i32 T))
debug: 0 ≤ i < length0
debug: 0 ≤ j < length1
head => (i, j, index[] i j)
tail list (tuple i32 i32 T) =>
if j < length1-1 then enumerate_cons i j+1
else if i < length0-1 then enumerate_cons i+1 0
else nil
# the transpose of the array
# flips the array along its diagonal
public transpose =>
array2 length1 length0 i,j->index[](j, i)
# create an array2 from a Sequence of a Sequence of elements
public type.create2(s Sequence (Sequence T)) =>
a := s1->s1.as_array
array2 a.count a[0].count i,j->a[i][j]
last changed: 2024-03-07