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marray -- one-dimensional mutable array

NYI: marray should be rewritten using effects.
create a new marray by adding a new element o at the end of this marray
create immutable array from this


create a list from this marray


is this sequence known to be finite? For infinite sequences, features like
count diverge.


§fold(i i32, s T, m Monoid marray.T)
fold the elements of this array using the given monoid and initial value

Used to fold an array tail-recursively
fold the elements of this array using the given monoid.

e.g., to sum the elements of an array of i32, use a.fold i32.sum


get element at given index i
set element at given index i to given value o
a sequence of all valid indices to access this array. Useful e.g., for

for i in arr.indices do
infix operator synonym for add
map the array to a new array applying function f to all elements