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short-hand for accessing delete effect in current environment and performing the default delete operation using io.file.delete.delete path
deletes the file/dir found in the path
returns unit as outcome in case of successful deletion and error in case of failure
if the targeted dir has content, then the return value will be error and the deletion will not take place


[Inherited from  Any]
create a String from this instance. Unless redefined, `a.as_string` will
create `"instance[T]"` where `T` is the dynamic type of `a`
[Inherited from  Any]
Get the dynamic type of this instance. For value instances `x`, this is
equal to `type_of x`, but for `x` with a `ref` type `x.dynamic_type` gives
the actual runtime type, while `type_of x` results in the static
compile-time type.

There is no dynamic type of a type instance since this would result in an
endless hierachy of types. So for Type values, dynamic_type is redefined
to just return Type.type.
[Inherited from  Any]
convenience prefix operator to create a string from a value.

This permits usage of `$` as a prefix operator in a similar way both
inside and outside of constant strings: $x and "$x" will produce the
same string.